Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (MNRE RF) is a federal executive authority performing functions of:
- public policy-making and statutory regulation in the field of:
- the study, use, renewal, and conservation of natural resources,
- land matters related to areas and sites of special protection, water and forest reserves,
- forest matters,
- hunting,
- hydrometeorology and related areas,
- state environmental monitoring,
- public environmental policy-making and implementation and statutory regulation of the environmental protection including
- industrial and consumption waste management,
- protection of atmospheric air,
- state environmental surveillance,
- matters of areas of special protection and state environmental assessment,
- organization and enforcement, within its competence, of obligations of the Russian Federation under the international agreements relevant to the area of the Ministry.
History of Ministry
Countries across the world began to establish specialized government agencies addressing issues of environment protection in 1970s and 1980s. This trend was driven by growing public concern about global environmental issues. The concern resulted in the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972); its declaration and action plan call the governments of all the countries to immediately establish environmental agencies.
In the USSR, the State Environmental Protection Committee started functioning only in 1988. A similar agency of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) was established around that time.
In 1991, the RSFSR State Environmental Protection Committee evolved into the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resource Use which later, together with the RSFSR Ministry of Forestry, RSFSR Geology and Subsurface Management State Committee, and the RSFSR Council of Ministers Water Resource Committee, turned into the RSFSR Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.
Following the economic and political collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1992 a new country emerged, the Russian Federation, so the new ministry appeared, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.
In 1996, the time came to yet another transformation. The ministry was divided into two agencies: the State Committee of the Russian Federation for the Protection of the Environment and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. The latter was entrusted with the powers of the Russian Federation Water Resources Committee and Geology and Subsurface Management Committee.
In 2000, the State Committee of the Russian Federation for the Protection of the Environment was liquidated, and its functions were delegated to the Ministry of Natural Resources.
In 2008, the current name was given to the ministry, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (MNRE RF).
Since November 2020, the ministerial post is held by Alexander Kozlov.
Project function
MNRE RF initiated the project on the phase-out of fluorinated greenhouse gases and ozone-depleting substances at fish and seafood processing enterprises of the Murmansk oblast (Arctic zone of the Russian Federation).
The ministry’s representatives are members of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) that exercises regular control over the Project implementation.
The ministry contributes to the Project through assistance in:
- organization of cooperation with other federal and regional authorities,
- amendments to the Russian ozone and climate legislation,
- collection of information.
MNRE RF supports the Project both directly and through initiatives and events financed by other governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Official website of MNRE RF: