Establishment of the ODS and F-gas recycling and disposal system in the Murmansk oblast
The survey conducted during Phase 1 revealed that the system for ODS and F-gas recovery, recuperation, reclamation, recirculation, and disposal did not function in the Murmansk oblast.
At the same time, the Russian legislation requires business entities to apply environmental-friendly approaches to the handling of ODS and ODS-containing equipment:
- ODS-containing equipment may not be placed on the landfill without recovery of ODSs for further recirculation (recycling) or disposal;
- producers and importers (including those of industrial refrigeration equipment) take financial responsibility for the disposal of produced equipment in an environmentally safe manner. Producers and importers are obliged either to pay the environmental fee or to ensure the collection and disposal of a certain number of units of refrigeration equipment independently or through specialized recovery companies.
By 2020 the deficit of ODS for servicing of existing refrigeration equipment emerged, so the system allows accumulating stocks of recycled and reclaimed refrigerants.
Component activities
The planned component activities to be financed by the grant of the Arctic Council Project Support Instrument are:
- developing the package of documents, including feasibility study and technical documentation for the establishment of an ODS and F-gas recycling and disposal system in the Murmansk oblast;
- establishing the recycling system on the base of the servicing organization selected during Phase 1 (BarentsCool Ltd);
- supplying the set of equipment to collect and recycle ODSs and F-gases;
- training the personnel, and launching the ODS and F-gas recycling and disposal system in the Murmansk oblast;
- obtaining permits.
Some activities were performed by the recipient of technical assistance as their co-financing:
- Equipment of the company’s personnel to meet the safety requirement;
- Purchase of additional refrigeration tools and equipment, reusable containers for refrigerants,
- Rental of vehicles for the transportation of refrigerants, etc.
The creation of the ODS and F-gas recycling and disposal system at BarentsCool Ltd will reduce the risk of purchasing illegal ODSs and prevent large emissions of these substances from refrigeration equipment after decommissioning.
ODSs and F-gases to be reclaimed will be recycled in accordance with the Montreal Protocol and the Russian legislation.
The substances that cannot be reclaimed will be destructed using the technologies approved by the Montreal Protocol. The project budget does not provide for the purchase of any equipment to destruct ODS and F-gases.
Outcomes of the Project
The following works have been performed within the component:
- Development of a package of documents, including a feasibility study and technical documentation for the establishment of an ODS and F-gases recycling and disposal system in the Murmansk oblast;
- Establishment of an ODS and F-gas recycling system on the base of BarentsCool Ltd, including: supply of equipment for collecting and recycling ODS and F-gases, training and launch of an ODS and F-gas recycling system, obtaining all necessary permits.
The developed package of documents includes:
- Technical documentation for the establishment of an ODS and F-gases recycling and disposal system in the Murmansk oblast;
- Feasibility study for the establishment of an ODS and F-gases recycling and disposal system in the fishing industry of the Murmansk oblast;
- Conclusions;
- Recommendations.
The ODS and F-gas recycling system was put into operation in September 2022 on the base of BarentsCool Ltd, the largest refrigeration installation and servicing company in Murmansk working with industrial facilities and fishing vessels with large volumes of ODS and F-gases.
The system delivered within the framework of the grant consists of:
- identifier of the type of refrigerant,
- piercing device for evacuation of refrigerant,
- digital pressure gauge manifolds,
- electronic vacuum meters,
- set of hoses,
- two-stage vacuum pumps,
- electronic scales,
- industrial unit for the recycling of R-134a, R-22, R-404A, R-407C and similar refrigerants.
Three specialists of BarentsCool Ltd were trained in proper handling of the system. Also, a training was organized for representatives of the Murmansk refrigeration industry, as well as students of MSTU who earlier received theoretical studies in environmentally safe recovery, recycling and destruction of ODS and F-gases.