Indian manufacturer launches R290 AC production line
April 05, 2012

A new production line of split and window-type R290 air-conditioners (ACs) has been inaugurated in India by Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. With the highest energy efficiency in their class, the hydrocarbon refrigerant based ACs constitute a great value proposition for Indian consumers.
The new R290 AC models are being launched in various cities in India and Godrej service technicians have been specifically trained in their safe installation and maintenance.
Back in 2002 Godrej was also the first to introduce climate- and ozone-friendly hydrocarbon refrigerants in refrigerators. Since then, several million, hydrocarbon refrigerators have been delivered to the Indian market, avoiding large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions.
R290’s superior performance at high ambients: 23%+ energy savings compared to top of the line products
R290 (propane) technology is a very suitable alternative for climate-friendly cooling even in high ambient temperatures. Designed on the basis of European and International safety standards, the newly developed air conditioners encompass the highest energy efficiency in their class.
For example, in the 1.5 T split category, which is the most common air conditioner segment in India, the Godrej 5-star R290 AC will consume at least 23% less energy than the current top-of-line 5-star models across brands.
Transitioning from HCFC to HC ACs: emissions savings opportunity in India and beyond
The introduction of energy efficient R290 based air-conditioners is an important step to reducing both energy-related and refrigerant greenhouse gas emissions from the sector, in view of the gradual phase out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)—currently the most prominent refrigerants used in room air conditioners in India—from 2013 onwards.
Considering the high growth rates in the Indian air-conditioner market, there is a great emission savings potential from transitioning from HCFCs to alternatives that are both ozone and climate friendly.
Besides helping to spread the general awareness and knowledge of R290 based technology throughout India and in the wider region, the project is expected to also give an impulse to other air-conditioning manufacturers to select climate friendly refrigerants when replacing HCFCs.
About the project: a strategic partnership between India and Germany
The project is being implemented by GIZ Proklima under the International Climate Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety in cooperation with the Government of India, represented by the Ozone Cell, Ministry of Environment and Forests. This strategic partnership between India and Germany will strengthen India’s capacities in adopting environmental-friendly technologies for sustainable growth.