Phase-out of ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases in the Russian Federation
  • Arctic Council
  • Nefco
  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation


03.03.2011 - Conference “Presentation of the UNIDO/GEF/MNRE Project” at Climate World exhibition

Conference «Presentation of the UNIDO/GEF/MNRE Project» at Climate World exhibition

In the beginning of March 2011, at the Expocenter Krasnaya Presnya, a conference dedicated to presentation of UNIDO/GEF/MNRE Project on ODS phase out took place during Climate World exhibition. At the conference representatives of government authorities, international organizations and largest companies in the sector of HVAC&R discussed the most topical issues related to implementation by our country of its commitments under the Montreal Protocol. Read more

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