10.12.2015 - Implementation Results of UNIDO/GEF-MNRE Project “Phase Out of HCFCs and Promotion of HFC-Free Energy Efficient Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems in the Russian Federation Through Technology Transfer”
On December 10, 2015, the Moscow headquarters of the International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information hosted conference “Implementation Results of UNIDO/GEF-MNRE Project “Phase Out of HCFCs and Promotion of HFC-Free Energy Efficient Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems in the Russian Federation Through Technology Transfer” and the 8th meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project.
The conference was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Science, Russian Energy Agency of the Ministry of Energy, Russian Union of Refrigeration Industry, Union of Eco-Friendly PU Product Manufacturers and Consumers, UNIDO Centre for International Cooperation in the Russian Federation, International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI), members of the Project management unit and Steering committee of the Project, and heads of Project beneficiaries.
E. Ugrinovich, director of ICSTI, welcomed attendees pointing to extensive effort by UNIDO and ICSTI made as part of the Project, and readiness to continue supporting Russian producers and manufacturers through new international environmental projects.
The opening speech of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Steering Committee of the Project was made by S. Vasiliev, representative of the International cooperation department of the Ministry. He spoke in praise of implementation results of the Project. Particularly, he mentioned: significant changes in the Russian legislation regulating use of ozone-depleting substances (ODS); technical aid to largest Russian producers of refrigerating equipment and foams to convert their production facilities to ozone-safe technologies; development of unique domestic projects dedicated to use of hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide as refrigerants and currently introduced into production; creation of the first Russian plant on disposal of domestic refrigerators, freezers and other ODS-containing products; creation of information resources and training centers for representatives of federal executive bodies, specialists of the refrigerating and foam sectors to study international and Russian legislation covering protection of the ozone layer and ozone-safe technologies; organization of celebration of the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer in the Russian Federation since 2011, and co-organization by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Education and Science, and UNIDO of all-Russian competition „Protect the Ozone Layer and Earth Climate“ in 2013.
M. Volosatova, head of the Section of the Ozone Layer Protection and Climate of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, delivered repot “Changes in the legal framework of the Russian Federation and Customs Union in the area of the ozone layer protection over a period of implementation of the Project”. She informed attendees about changes of 2011–2015, and mentioned importance of participation that UNIDO–Business working group took in preparation of draft documents and their public debate.
F. Kuzhbaev, deputy general director in charge of operation of Izolyatsionny trubny zavod (Pipe Insulation Plant), and I. Nefedov, deputy technical director of SEPO-ZEM, spoke about technical aid provided as part of the Project to producers of foam materials and refrigerating equipment through the examples of their enterprises. They spoke about performed works, supplied equipment that ensured conversion to ozone-safe technologies, and highlighted environmental and social importance of the Project.
A. Kushnerev, representative of ICSTI and head of the Project management unit, delivered a report on support to development of the professional education and preparation of specialists for the refrigerating sector, provided as part of the Project. This includes initiation and development of a professional standard, preparation of training facilities, programmes, and manuals regarding use of ozone-safe technologies, creation of demo-projects and organization of training for sectoral specialists.
M. Tumanova, deputy director of ICSTI and coordinator of the Project, spoke about main outcomes of the Project. Thus, UNIDO–Business working group was created as part of Project component “Institutional capacity building”, joining representatives of largest industry associations, self-regulating organizations, enterprises, research centers and educational institutions. The group proposed a number of legislative initiatives and took an active part in development and discussion of draft legal documents covering regulation of ODS circulation. The group also provided consultancy support to Russian delegations that participated in meetings of the Open-ended working group of the Parties to the Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer and meetings of the Parties to the Montreal protocol.
As part of component “Technology transfer to Russian enterprises”, ozone-safe formulations for foam production were developed, adapted and adopted; two demo-projects based on natural refrigerants were implemented; creation of the Union of Eco-Friendly PU Product Manufacturers and Consumers was facilitated; and foundation of the Center for introduction of new PU preinsulated pipe technologies using ozone- and climate-safe foaming agents was initiated.
As part of component “Strategy of ODS destruction and creation of an ODS recovery network”, the first Russian plant on disposal of domestic refrigerators, freezers, and other items containing ODS was created.
As part of component “HCFC phase out in the foam and refrigerating sector”, technological equipment for conversion of largest Russian enterprises of the foam and refrigerating sectors to use of ozone- and climate-safe PU insulation foaming agents was supplied.
Package of measures on raising public awareness and organization of training for specialists of the air-conditioning and refrigerating and foam sectors was implemented, and information resources — www.ozoneprogram.ru, www.hvaccenter.ru and www.foamunion.ru — were created.
After the conference, the 8th meeting of the Steering committee of the Project took place, with participation of representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNIDO Centre for International Cooperation in the Russian Federation, and International Centre for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI). Via video-communication, Dalibor Kysela, representative of the UNIDO head-quarters, joined the participants.
It was resolved to recommend the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to initiate introduction of the state regulation of the circulation of greenhouse gases, and to facilitate preparation of new projects on ODS collection in the Russian Federation for further recuperation and reclamation for recirculation in the service sector or destruction.
Besides, the Ministry was recommended to continue supporting participants of subprojects implemented as part of the Project: enterprises implementing demo-projects on adoption of ozone-safe natural refrigerants and foaming agents, disposal of domestic refrigerators, freezers, and other items containing ODS, the Center for introduction of new PU preinsulated pipe technologies using ozone- and climate-safe foaming agents, training centers and other organizations.
Presentations of the Conference participants:
- Changes in the legal framework of the Russian Federation and Customs Union in the area of the ozone layer protection over a period of implementation of the Project
- Pipe Insulation Plant LLC
- Rendering of technical assistance in the area of professional education and training of specialists for the refrigerating sector
- UNIDO/GEF-MNRE Project “Phase Out of HCFCs and Promotion of HFC-Free Energy Efficient Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems in the Russian Federation Through Technology Transfer”. 2011–2015 implementation results