Phase-out of ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases in the Russian Federation
  • Arctic Council
  • Nefco
  • Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation

28.09.2023 - ICSTI took part in the International Conference for unbroken cold chain

Представители Проекта МЦНТИ приняли участие в международной конференции по непрерывной холодильной цепи

On September 28, 2023, the international conference Cold Chain Eurasia was held in St. Petersburg. The event was organized by the Association of Food Sector Organizations and the Expo Solutions Group with the support of the international Coordinating Council on Trans-Eurasian Transportation (CCTT) and the Russian Union of Refrigeration Industry Enterprises (Rossoyuzkholodprom). “Expoforum” exhibition center was chosen as the venue of Cold Chain Eurasia, where the 6th Global Fishery Forum & Seafood Expo Russia dedicated to all aspects of the fish and seafood industry and technology were held simultaneously.

The conference was attended by representatives of industry associations, customers of refrigeration systems, enterprises of the refrigeration industry, transport and logistics companies and other structures involved in ensuring the functioning of the refrigeration chain, including from India and China.

One of the main topics of the practical session „Industry of cold and IT technologies“ was „Green technologies: the use of new types of environmentally friendly refrigerants in cold transport“. A report on this topic was made by a representative of the project on the phase out of fluorinated greenhouse gases and Ozone-Depleting Substances at Fish and Seafood Processing Enterprises of the Murmansk Oblast, developed and implemented by the International Center for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI). The project manager reported about the need for an urgent transition to technologies with low global warming potential, due to a required 35% reduction in HFC consumption in 2025 and 70% in 2029. He also informed about current opportunities for such a transition in Russia (including the example of the Arctic Project). Read more

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