Вывод озоноразрушающих веществ и фторсодержащих газов в Российской Федерации
  • Арктический совет
  • Нефко
  • Министерство природных ресурсов и экологии Российской Федерации

Финансовый баланс на 30.06.2014 года

Outputs by Project Component GEF Grant Budget Available (US$)
Building institutional capacity
Create national database and tracking process for HCFC phase out 27 992,70
Develop HCFC and HFC consumption patterns and scenario planning 14 077,41
Training, awareness and communications for government departments and employees, legislators and institutional stakeholders 40 382,36
Up-grading of ODS and HFC import/export legislation Harmonisation of regulations in the Russian Federation with EC F-gases regulations  
Communication and Marketing 16 883,59
Monitoring and Evaluation 49 682,75
HFC and HCFC life cycle performance analysis
Collect, analyze and compile climate performance benchmark data for the Russian Federation 0
Develop climate impact model for Russian Federation based on current best practice and incorporating local usage patterns, system configurations and utility costs 6 409,00
Develop clear guidelines for the design and selection of refrigeration and foam manufacturing for minimising life cycle climate impact 23 528,50
Draft climate change mitigation policy for refrigeration and polyurethane foam sectors 40 000,00
Phase-out of HCFC consumption in Foam and Refrigeration Sectors
Polyurethane foam — pipe insulation 1 000 000,00
Polyurethane foam – panel 950 000,00
Polyurethane foam – panel 0
Commercial Refrigeration manufacturing 850 000,00
Domestic and commercial refrigeration 6 010,00
Domestic Refrigerators 0
Air-conditioning manufacturing 500 000,00
Industrial Refrigeration (non TT component) 800 000,00
Commercial Refrigeration CO2 conversion (non TT component) 200 000,00
System House 1 pentanisation 320 287,00
System House 2 methyl formate 45 390,00
Development of ODS destruction facility and supporting recovery network
The detailed feasibility and design study, destruction requirements and technology selection 73 514,98
Design and installation of destruction facility and foam processing equipment 1 500 000,00
Establish pilot recovery network , including marketing and awareness 296 758,99
Commercial sustainability model (market economy mechanism) for ODS destruction 46 874,83
Confirmation of impact of Regulatory and Policy measures 50 000,00
Training of specialists 97 774,90
Analysis of alternative funding mechanisms including CDM 40 000,00
Other 180 000,00
Stimulating market growth for energy efficient refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, servicing sector
Market study on policy, measures, and approaches to barrier removal 11 047,53
Development of training facilities and service practices  
Marketing Communications and public awareness (energy efficiency and climate benefit) 13 298,72
Technology Transfer
Carbon Dioxide refrigeration systems 800 000,00
Methyle Formate Systems House Licence 237 331,00
Hyrdocarbon refrigeration and Air-conditioning IP/License/ Equipment 500 000,00
Energy performance and quality standards for key technologies 80 000,00
Energy efficiency technologies including variable speed drives, condenser design and manufacturing equipment 119 798,53
Engineering and thermodynamic design for energy efficient refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment (design, license and engineering know-how) 120 000,00
Integrated strategy for HCFC production closure
International experts 4 836,64
National experts 5 379,30
Communications, meetings, workshops, travel, reporting 21 055,26
Market research 47 000,00
Project Management 84 007,01
TOTAL: 9 219 321,00

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